LIARS start their tour this weekend with a sold out show at The Met in New York and announce a very special surprise: An exclusive new film & two unreleased tracks ‘I Saw You From The Lifeboat’ and ‘Perfume Tear’ for download.
‘I Saw You From The Lifeboat’ is accompanied by a unique film, which was created by the band, documenting the past few years and offering a rare insight into the life of Liars.
To download the free tracks, click HERE. Everyone that receives the download will be entered into a draw to win a piece of original artwork created by Liars.
Explains Angus, “After releasing WIXIW and returning home from touring there was a palpable sense of creative relief and release. We relished in the opportunity to make stuff under no real directive and began almost immediately to produce all kinds of unrelated works. It’s a great position to be in creatively so we decided to share a small portion of the results with you today. Both of these songs happened almost instantly, and, in sharp contrast to the music we produced for WIXIW, were not labored over or scrutinized. It’s been great for us to recall the immediacy and excitement of creating music on the fly – unrestricted by subject matter and void of preoccupations about how it should ‘work’ in the greater context of things.”
Angus Andrew, Julian Gross and Aaron Hemphill’s 2013 tour starts in New York, with a very special show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Temple of Dendur on 18 May, and sees the band in Barcelona for Primavera Sound (25 May) and Sónar’s 20th Anniversary (13 June) as well as at Manchester’s Parklife (9 June) and in Brighton (8 June) – full details below.
18 May – The Temple of Dendur at The Met, New York – SOLD OUT 19 May – Le Poisson Rouge, New York – Tickets HERE